If youre going to read this, dont bash on me about complaining because really Im like just damn stressed about it. oo and dont be like wtf “if youre fat, what are you saying i am” i dont wanna hear shit like that.
I think that i have gained a lot of weight, just recently though. Ever since I was like a baby I was always like small and skinny, and til like I was 13-14 I weighed, at the most 87lbs.
Now I weigh like 100lbs!!! 100 fucking pounds!!!!
Most people might think thats not a lot but I’m only 5’4 k. and like I said Ive always been small. But I do think I am eating so much more, and not healthy foods.
I think I need to go on a strict diet. I am like always on a diet but maybe not so strict Im usually like if I wanna eat something or eat out I would think before about what and how much Im goin to eat, and how much I should work out. And all that other things.
I use to always write down what I ate and how many calories and fat. But for me I dont think that works. Only because I see what I have been eating and think ‘hey thats not a lot, I can eat some more’ So yea keeping a record does not work for me.
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