Like ya’ll dont know how scared of the future I am. Like its like the biggest damn worry of my life. I always was that little kid, in kindergarten through forever, who could never say “I wanna be watever when I grow up”. Cuz really I think way too much about it.
Maybe most kids just like know or maybe they just pick, cuz watever they do I sure cant. haha. because I am almost 16 and I dont even have a clue of what job I would want. =.=
Not even just job aspect of my future scares me. Like everything like growing up. I always say I want to be older and I do but I want the age without the responsibilities of it haha.
Anyways Im actually gonna try and get a job. I was suppose to go out today with this girl to hand out resumes, but guess what! I dont have a resume ready. lol
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